Investment Property

Tenigla is a firm specialized in the professional management of real estate investments, composed by a team of four independent managers, with a proven experience in the real estate sector.

Together they have taken active part in the investment of more than €1.88n around different international markets (Spain, UK, France, Germany, Portugal and USA) and in the management of real estate investment vehicles with a value of €750MM approx.

Real estate management

Helping our clients to diversify their wealth between different kind of real estate assets (retail, office, hotels, logistics, residential) and geographical markets; adjusting cooperation channels in accordance with their requirements.

To align interests, through personal attention and closeness to our clients/investors as our fundamental working basis.

In short, to offer a high quality and independent service.

Our team

Jaime Perinat Escrivá de Romaní
Jaime Perinat Escrivá de RomaníDirector of Management and Investment
Alberto García Osa
Alberto García OsaInvestment Director
Ignacio Peña de Berrazueta Sobrino
Ignacio Peña de Berrazueta SobrinoAsset Management – Architect
Carlos García-Moro Estalella
Carlos García-Moro EstalellaAsset Management
Luis Aliño Ferrán
Luis Aliño FerránAsset Investment
Iñigo Arana Basa
Iñigo Arana BasaAsset Management
Pedro Verdasco Candela
Pedro Verdasco CandelaAsset Investment